This event is from the Season 2019-20


Stefan Vladar on piano

  • Dates
    3, 4 i 5 d’octubre 2019
  • Price
    12€ / 34€ / 44€ / 59€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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BRAHMS: Concerto for piano and orchestra No. 1 in D minor, Op. 15
RESPIGHI: Ancient Airs and Danses
BARTÓK: The Miraculous Mandarin, Op. 19 Suite


Barcelona Symphony and National Orchestra of Catalonia (OBC)
Kazushi Ono, conductor
Stefan Vladar, piano


Two major works from the European repertoire written by two composers with a significant presence in the OBC season – Brahms and Bartók – come together in the same programme, in addition to Ancient Airs and Danses.The ballet The Miraculous Mandarin caused a huge scandal when it premiered in Cologne in 1926, but Bartok’s music continued to be played in the concert halls, as had Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring a few years earlier. At the age of 25, Brahms began composing his first concerto for piano and orchestra. He created a passionate and emotional work, full of gratitude to the Schumann family, who welcomed him into their home, and bursting with virtuosity, as one would expect from a such a highly talented young man.



Stefan Vladar on piano

  • Dates
    3, 4 i 5 d’octubre 2019
  • Price
    12€ / 34€ / 44€ / 59€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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