This event is from the Season 2020-21

Pere Navarro Quintet

  • Dates
    26 de març 2021
  • Price
    8 €
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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Pere Navarro: Rain Day at Nòmada 57 7′
Pere Navarro: Thelicker 6′
Pere Navarro: Dimensions I: The Distance 8′
Pere Navarro: Dimensions II: An Expansive Journey 3′
Pere Navarro: Dimensions III: The Power of Feelings 4′
Pere Navarro: The Experience 9′
Pere Navarro: 13VS4 9′
Pere Navarro: Theone and Only 6′


Pere Navarro, trumpet and compositions
Ferran Borrell, guitar
Josep Colls, electric bass
Joan Solana, piano
David Xirgu, drums


The Festival Emergents Barcelona and Young Musicians of Catalonia present Ibizan trumpet player, pianist, composer and producer Pere Navarro. At just 27 years old, Navarro is considered one of the most prominent emerging talents on the Spanish jazz scene. His two recordings with the prestigious Barcelona label, Fresh Sound Records, guarantee a promising career and show a musician capable of developing his own fresh, avant-garde sound. Navarro arrives at L’Auditori with his quintet, with which he is able to create a multitude of atmospheres and textures through the fusion of the language of jazz and the sounds of funk.

Pere Navarro Quintet

  • Dates
    26 de març 2021
  • Price
    8 €
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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