This event is from the Season 2016-17


1 year and over

  • Dates
    4, 5, 18 i 19 març 2017
  • Price
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
    50 min
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Barcelona Clarinet Players, musical direction / Constanza Brncic, stage direction


Welcome to Planet Clarinet! A fantastical world where the birds, bumblebees and especially the fireflies sound like a clarinet. From Bach to Gershwin and Mozart to Messiaen… come and explore it all with the Barcelona Clarinet Players. A concert created with the little ones in mind, where the audience, sitting on the ground, will discover the sounds of the clarinet family from close up!

WORKSHOPS FOR FAMILIES WITH KIDS AGED 1 TO 5 YEARS: 26 February 2017 and 5 March 2017, at 11am and 12.15pm

The workshops are related to the concerts: 18 March 2017 at 5pm and 19 March at 12 noon


1 year and over

  • Dates
    4, 5, 18 i 19 març 2017
  • Price
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
    50 min
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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