This event is from the Season 2015-16


  • Dates
    28 i 29 de novembre de 2015
  • Price
    10€ / 32€ / 42€ / 56€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
  • Artists
    Salvador Brotons, director Víctor de la Rosa, clarinet
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• Barber » Adagio for strings
• Copland » Concerto for clarinet and orchestra
• Prokofiev » Romeo and Juliet. Selection


Salvador Brotons, conductor
Víctor de la Rosa, clarinet


They told him it could neither be danced to nor listened to. But time proved him right in the end, and Romeo and Juliet has become
one of the most widely performed works by Prokofiev. And the best American music: the most popular symphonic Adagio of the 20th century, and the bright and spectacular Clarinet Concerto, first performed by Benny Goodman, the “King of Swing”.The music of the ballet Romeo and Juliet was released as concert music and not as music for choreography: the dancers refused to perform it and, although he had signed a contract with the Bolshoi, it took ten years to schedule it as a ballet. Prokofiev’s music masterfully places us in the middle of the fights between the Montagues and Capulets, and makes us understand the forbidden love between the two most famous lovers in history. Direct and energetic music. The popularity of Samuel Barber’s Adagio is such that in recent years we have been able to hear it in many very different contexts: ceremonies, films, advertisements, etc. There is no doubt, however, that it sounds best live on stage.

You can listen to this concert:
On Catalunya Música:
29th November at 11 am (life broadcasting)
On Radio Clásica (RNE):
6th December at 8 pm

If you want to know more about this concert, listen to:
Guia d’Orquestra de Catalunya Música
Every Thursday at 11 pm
Every Sunday at 9 am
Whenever you want on



  • Dates
    28 i 29 de novembre de 2015
  • Price
    10€ / 32€ / 42€ / 56€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
  • Artists
    Salvador Brotons, director Víctor de la Rosa, clarinet
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