This event is from the Season 2021-22

Quimi Portet: 25 years. If it rains, we’ll do it at Barnasants

  • Dates
    7 d’abril 2022
  • Price
    20 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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You have to make the best of it. And if it rains –and God bless the downpour of evils that ‎have fallen upon us–, we’ll do it at Barnasants. And if we do, it’s because Quimi Portet has ‎had ‘a beast inside’ him for twenty-five years. Despite the millions of records sold with Los ‎Burros, Los Rápidos and El Último de la Fila, he has always remained true to his own universe. ‎A universe where rock ’n’ roll is transformed into a vehicle of thought, a dynamo of irony and ‎a transmission belt of what Dylan turned into high literature. Ten studio albums and a ‎massive contribution to music in Catalan over the last three decades sum up the live show of ‎the album Si plou, ho farem al Pavelló: Live in Cincinnati (2020) and which, ‎transmuted into a genre in itself, will be performed at L’Auditori with musicians Jordi ‎Busquets (guitar), Antonio Fidel (bass) and Ángel Celada (drums).‎

Quimi Portet: 25 years. If it rains, we’ll do it at Barnasants

  • Dates
    7 d’abril 2022
  • Price
    20 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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