This event is from the Season 2009-10


Anthology Recital

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    Raimon, vocals
    Miquel Blasco, guitar
    Joan Urpinell, guitar
    Pau Doménech, clarinet and bass clarinet
    Fernando Serena, double bass


    Raimon is on top form. What has been one of the most combative voices of the historic Nova Cançó movement comes to the Auditori with a selection of some of his best works, but also with new titles such as “Punxa de temps” and “A l’estiu quan són les nou”, which further highlight his extraordinary career. As a result, the no holds barred of songs such as “Diguem no” and “Jo vinc d’un silenci” will be joined by the beauty of the poems of Ausiàs March, Joan Roís de Corella, Jaume Roig, Salvador Espriu, Pere Quart and other fifteenth- and sixteenth-century authors, set to music by this singer-songwriter from Xàtiva near Valencia, a troubadour of our times who still has plenty of road before him.


    Anthology Recital

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