This event is from the Season 2022-23

Anna Roig

Bringing beauty to the world

  • Dates
    April 26, 2023 · 8 pm
  • Price
    20 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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Nine years after the release of her last album Anna Roig i L’ombre de ton chien (Anna Roig and The shadow of your dog Un Pas i Neu i un Pas (A step, then snow, a step). Satélite K. 2014), and having performed the show La Tendresse. Hommage aux belles chansons (Tenderness. Homage to beautiful songs) with the Àlex Cassanyes Big Band Project in the meantime, the artist returns to the stage with a new album under her arm, but now as herself, Anna Roig, revealing to us her most personal and reflective side.

All those years behind the scenes have given her time to reflect on the reason for producing music and performing it on the stage. And now she’s back, and crystal clear about why she does it. Aportar bellesa al món (To bring beauty to the world), the name of this album and the song that will open the show, is a clear statement of intention, as this is what the singer-songwriter aims to achieve through the music and poetry of her songs. And, to talk of beauty, is to talk about goodness, truth, empathy, harmony. Ultimately, sharing that which gives meaning to life and making this world a little more beautiful.

To fulfil her objective, she relied on the delicate touch and good taste of Àlex Cassanyes, who arranged the songs, and a group of musicians with high sensitivity: Carles Sanz (piano), Carla González (double bass), Andreu Vilar (vibraphone), Ricard Parera (drums), Alba Careta (trumpet), Jordi Santanach (sax and clarinet) and Àlex Cassanyes (trombone). The recording was produced by Ferran Conangla, a renowned specialist in this type of acoustic formation.

In line with her customary attention to the details of live stage performances, on this occasion Anna Roig will have the valuable support of director Jordi Casanovas (National Culture Prize 2022).

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Anna Roig

Bringing beauty to the world

  • Dates
    April 26, 2023 · 8 pm
  • Price
    20 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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