This event is from the Season 2019-20


  • Dates
    2 d'abril 2020
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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SCHUBERT: Viola, D. 786; Gretchen am Spinnrade, D. 118; Gretchens Bitte, D. 564; Suleika I, D. 720; Suleika II, D. 717; Gesänge aus “Wilhelm Meister”, D. 877; Heiss mich nicht reden; Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt; So lasst mich scheinen; Heimliches Lieben, D. 922; Geheimes, D. 719; Ganymed, D. 544; Der Musensohn, D. 764; Die Liebende schreibt, D. 673; Nähe des Geliebten, D. 162; Rastlose Liebe, D. 138


Sheva Tehoval, soprano
Daniel Heide, piano


In the fourth concert dedicated to Schubert’s lieder we will have the opportunity to hear Belgian soprano Sheva Tehoval, accompanied by pianist Daniel Heide.This year, L’Auditori concludes its focus that started in the 2017-2018 season on Franz Schubert’s lieder, one of the most extensive and highest quality corpora of songs in the classic and romantic repertoire. Schubert’s music has provided the perfect opportunity to discover the voices of some young national and international talents who represent the future of the genre. Schubert Lied is organised by L’Auditori de Barcelona in co-production with the Franz Schubert Association and the Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical (National Centre for the Dissemination of Music).
In the fourth concert dedicated to Schubert’s lieder we will have the opportunity to hear Belgian soprano Sheva Tehoval. She has won numerous awards including the First Prize and the Audience Award at the Concours Prix Jacques Dôme in Verviers and was laureate at the International Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels. She has already debuted at theatres in Belgium, Germany and France. Tehoval will be accompanied at L’Auditori by pianist Daniel Heide, an expert in the repertoire for piano and voice and in chamber music, genres in which he has worked with top-level musicians such as Tabea Zimmermann and Antje Weithaas.


  • Dates
    2 d'abril 2020
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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