Marius Neset Quintet

  • Dates
    April 10, 2014 " 8 pm
  • Price
    15 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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Marius Neset, sax
Magnus Hjorth, piano
Elliot Galvin, keyboards
Conor Chaplin, bass guitar
Anton Eger, drums


Surely all commonplaces have some degree of truth, but they also tend to be fruitlessly reductionist. Norwegian saxophonist Marius Neset is one of the artists who proves that, beyond the ethereal and laconic jazz we associate with those lands, there are many other ways of understanding these musical styles in the Nordic countries. He is virtuosic and pyrotechnical proof of that, a madness of rhythm and death-defying leaps in which one can hear echoes of Frank Zappa’s impossible collages and Michael Brecker’s elastic phrasing, two of his acknowledged influences. Music with enormous vitality and rhythm, pop spirit and a certain vintage air from that other northern jazz sound that definitely exists.

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Marius Neset Quintet

  • Dates
    April 10, 2014 " 8 pm
  • Price
    15 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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