Concert included in YOUTH FLAT RATES. To gain entry, you only need to be accredited by showing the corresponding Youth Flat Rate and your ID at the Museu de la Música box office. It can be done, as usual, from 48 hours before. Limited capacity.

Shawn Mativetsky

Music of North India

  • Dates
    19 d'abril de 2024 · 20h
  • Price
    10 €
  • Location
    Sala 4 Alicia de Larrocha
  • Duration aprox.
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Tabla Solo in Teentaal
Traditional, arr. Shawn Mativetsky

Generation Recall (2023)
Shawn Mativetsky
For tabla and electronics
European premiere

Everything is Broken (2023)
Shawn Mativetsky
For tabla and electronics
World premiere

Starfield (2024)
Shawn Mativetsky
For tabla and electronics
World premiere

Tabla Solo in Rupaktaal
Traditional, arr. Shawn Mativetsky


Shawn Mativetsky, tabla
With the accompaniment of Joan Carot Martínez, vibraphone


Shawn Mativetsky performs a tabla recital, a North Indian drum pair famous for its rich expressive sonorities, rhythmic virtuosity and deep roots in the musical tradition of the Indian subcontinent. The concert will explore the instrument from different perspectives, combining traditional solos in the style of the Benares gharana with new compositions for the instrument that cast it in a new light.

Shawn Mativetsky is considered one of Canada’s leading tabla ambassadors and pioneers in connecting the worlds of Western classical music with India. Highly acclaimed as an exceptional soloist and a leading disciple of the renowned Pandit Sharda Sahai, Shawn Mativetsky is a professor of tabla at McGill University in Montreal.

A collaborative concert with the Religious Affairs Office of Barcelona City Council and ESMUC.

This concert is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.

Shawn Mativetsky

Music of North India

  • Dates
    19 d'abril de 2024 · 20h
  • Price
    10 €
  • Location
    Sala 4 Alicia de Larrocha
  • Duration aprox.
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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