This event is from the Season 2016-17


2 years and over

  • Dates
    11 i 12 març 2017
  • Price
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
    50 min
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Works by Mozart, Bach, Bartók, Britten, Xostakóvitx, Schumann, Haydn, Telemann, Toldrà, Beethoven…


Qvixote Quartet
Dani Cubero, direcció musical
Toni Mira, direcció escènica


With a career that began in 2006, the performances of the Quixote Quartet have consolidated, based on interpretations full of virtuosity and playfulness. After numerous performances that have led them to tour throughout Europe and Latin America – where they had a notable collaboration with renowned System of Children and Youth Orchestras of Venezuela – and various national and international awards, they come to L’Auditori to give life to a new concert for the youngest audience.
A concert where you can enjoy the sound of strings on a stage designed so that the audience (and musicians!) can enjoy music: the musicians performing from memory, constantly moving around the audience sitting on the floor with a varied repertoire that includes some popular pieces to turn listeners into participants.



2 years and over

  • Dates
    11 i 12 març 2017
  • Price
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
    50 min
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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