1_ Mocador d’olor
Lyrics: Joan Salvat-Papasseit/Music: Teresa Rebull
2_ Vint bales
Lyrics: Maria-Mercè Marçal/Music: Teresa Rebull
3_ No puc cantar cançons
Lyrics: Josep Gual i Lloberas/Music: Teresa Rebull
4_ Ens estan robant
Lyrics: Teresa Rebull/Music: Joan Díaz
5_ Mester d’amor
Lyrics: Joan Salvat-Papasseit/Music: Teresa Rebull
6_ Sota una cançó
Lyrics: F. Font Ferrando /Music: Teresa Rebull
7_ Amor de la Marenda
Lyrics: Joan Morer/Music: Teresa Rebull
8_ Visca l’amor
Lyrics: Joan Salvat-Papasseit/Music: Teresa Rebull
9_ En la bandera de la libertad…
Lyrics: Federico García Lorca/Music: Joan Díaz
10_ Paisatge de l’Ebre
Lyrics: Josep Gual i Lloberas/Music: Teresa Rebull
11_ Primer de Maig
Lyrics: Teresa Rebull/Music: Joan Díaz
12 _ Dona d’aigua
Lyrics: Josep Sebastià Pons/Music: Teresa Rebull
* All arrangements by the pianist and composer Joan Díaz.
Raquel Lúa, Magalí Sare and Laura Simó, vocals
Susana Barranco, actress
Perico Sambeat, saxophones and flute
Álvaro Ocón, trumpet
Dani Pérez, guitar
Joan Díaz, piano and melodica
David Mengual, double bass
David Domínguez and Marc Vila, percussion
Sandrine Robilliard, cello
The Catalan singer-songwriter and artist Teresa Rebull (1919-2015) was, above all, a passionate and revolutionary woman. She never gave up on her political ideals, her actions were always completely consistent, and she always flew the banner of freedom. An activist and political campaigner, an artist, a singer and a painter… her biography is as rich as it is full of contrasts. Popularly known as the Grandmother of the Nova Cançó movement, she has inspired a show in which music and words take centre stage based on covers of Rebull’s own iconic tracks, which are presented formally for the occasion without leaving aside the new music based on unpublished writings of the author that provide a unique testimony transcending generations.
The show, which intentionally shuns folk aesthetics and focuses on jazz, a genre particularly favoured by Rebull (she particularly liked the quality of the sound made by the saxophone), marks the start of the Music and Exile cycle promoted by the Department of Culture’s International Programme. This concert is also the presentation and absolute premiere of the live album recorded at Auditori Espai Ter in Torroella de Montgrí on 20 December.