This event is from the Season 2021-22

Tarta Relena

Secondary, high school and vocational-training students

  • Dates
    5 de novembre 2021
  • Price
    7 €
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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Tarta Relena–an a cappella project by two singers, aimed at exploring the sounds of different ‎vocal styles–first came into being in 2016. Far from aspiring to create a project with a ‎traditional hallmark or trying to define “Mediterraneanness”, Tarta Relena aims to build up a ‎repertoire that ranges from orally-handed down music to songs by singer-songwriters ‎related in some way to the Mediterranean’s geographical area. ‎
After the concert, the performers will talk with the audience. ‎

Tarta Relena

Secondary, high school and vocational-training students

  • Dates
    5 de novembre 2021
  • Price
    7 €
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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