This event is from the Season 2020-21

Els colors del metall

2 years and over

  • Dates
    20 i 21 de febrer 2021
  • Price
    10 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
    50 min
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Works by Duke Ellington, Henry Purcell, Erik Satie, Paul Dukas and Pee Wee Ellis, among ‎others.‎


Pep Gol, music direction
Marc Hervàs, stage direction

Pep Gol, trumpet
Josep Gomariz, trumpet
Tom Johnson, trombone and accordion
Josep Martí, drums and percussion
David Parras, tuba and sousaphone
Cati Terrassa, French horn


Two trumpets, a French horn, a trombone, a tuba and even a sousophone! Learn all about ‎the colours of the brass family through music of a variety of styles and from different ‎periods. A classic of the Educational Project, with a staging that will surprise the whole family.‎


Els colors del metall

2 years and over

  • Dates
    20 i 21 de febrer 2021
  • Price
    10 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
    50 min
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