This event is from the Season 2014-15


  • Location
    Sala 4 Alicia de Larrocha
  • Duration aprox.
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Session for modular analogue and electronic synthesizer with four speakers (quadraphonic)


Thomas Ankersmith


Dutch musician Thomas Ankersmit, a specialist in modular analogue synthesisers, presents a session for the Serge Modular, combined with a computer and a quadraphonic sound system.Dutch musician Thomas Ankersmit, a specialist in modular analogue synthesisers, presents a session for the Serge Modular, created by Serge Tcherepnin in 1974, combined with a computer and a quadraphonic sound system. Acoustic and psychoacoustic phenomena such as sound reflections, otoacoustic emissions (low intensity sounds spontaneously emitted by the cells of the inner ear, sometimes due to external stimuli such as certain pure tones), infrasounds and ultra-directional sounds are an important part of his work.


  • Location
    Sala 4 Alicia de Larrocha
  • Duration aprox.
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