Saturday, October 21 at 6:30 pm, conversation prior to the liturgical office Licht der sinnen. The music of the lutheran reform in the same space. Free access with prior reservation. Limited capacity. More information

Licht der Sinnen

Music from the Lutheran Reformation

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Durant el servei religiós
Coral BWV 654 Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele 7 ‘ Orgue
Cantata BWV 180 Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele 20′ Cor: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele / Ària (tenor): Ermuntre dich: dein Heiland klopft /Recitatiu i coral (soprano): Wie teuer sind des heilgen Mahles Gaben! /Recitatiu (contralt): Mein Herz fühlt in sich Furcht und Freude / Ària (soprano): Lebens Sonne, Licht der Sinnen / Recitatiu (baix): Herr, lass an mir dein treues Lieben / Coral: Jesu, wahres Brot des Lebens

Després del servei religiós
Andante concerto TWV 53:E1 3′ Traverso, oboè d’amore i viola d’amore més corda
Cantata TWV 31 Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele 6′ Coral (tenor), Ària (soprano), Coral tutti
Cantata BWV 162 Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehen 17′ Ària (baix): Ach, ich siehe / Recitatiu (tenor): O großes Hochzeitfest / Ària (soprano): Jesu, Brunnquell aller Gnaden / Recitatiu (contralt): Mein Jesu, lass mich nicht / Ària (duet de contralt i tenor): In meinem Gott bin ich erfreut! / Coral: Ach, ich habe schon erblicket


As we continue our tour of evangelical churches, which began with the inaugural edition of Trànsits, the German-speaking Evangelical Community will open its doors to host an exceptional worship service featuring the Salvat Beca Bach Soloists and the Bachcelona Consort. The community has been in Barcelona since 1885 and now represents over 500 members. Additionally, the service will include two cantatas that correspond to the Lutheran liturgical calendar.

Luther started the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, and he believed that music should be a part of God’s worship. The power of its lyrics to touch the hearts of believers and convey doctrinal and didactic content through their translation into the local dialect, which no longer used Latin, gave rise to a whole collection of hymns, chorales, and cantatas that were crucial in shaping Lutheranism.

Johann Sebastian Bach’s extraordinary contribution to Reformation music surpasses both quantitative and qualitative standards. He started his career as a chapel maestro by writing one piece a week in Leipzig. Now, they include over two hundred cantatas, whose lyrics are written to correspond to the readings established by the Lutheran liturgy for each specific occasion.

At the end of the activity, the attending public can enjoy a glass of cava and piscolabis, courtesy of the German-Speaking Evangelical Community of Barcelona, outside the Martin Luther Church.

A collaborative liturgical service  with the Religious Affairs Office of Barcelona City Council and the German-speaking Evangelical Community.

Licht der Sinnen

Music from the Lutheran Reformation

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