This event is from the Season 2021-22

Tristany i Isolda

  • Dates
    6 de març 2022
  • Price
    14 € / 9 € preu reduït
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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Felix Mendelssohn: Overture für Harmoniemusik op.24 (1824) 10’
Carl Maria von Weber: Euryanthe. Obertura (1893) 9’
Richard Wagner: Trauersinfonie (Funeral symphony) WWV73 (1844) 6’
Richard Wagner: Huldigungsmarsch (Homage March), WWV 97 (1864) 6’
Richard Wagner: Prelude and love-death, WWV90. Opera Tristan and Isolde (1857-59) 17’


Barcelona Symphony Band
Carlos Ramón, conductor


Dying for love (“Liebestod”), an extraordinary act devoid of any worldly logic, is also the final aria sung by the protagonist of Tristan and Isolde and one of the highpoints of Romantic music. For the reencounter between the two lovers, Richard Wagner wrote one of the most fascinating pieces of music of all times. The Barcelona Symphony Band’s assistant conductor, Carlos Ramón, offers us a programme that revolves around these two Wagnerian characters.


Tristany i Isolda

  • Dates
    6 de març 2022
  • Price
    14 € / 9 € preu reduït
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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