This event is from the Season 2021-22

Ukulele, the return trip

Workshop for families with children over 5

  • Dates
    26 de març 2022
  • Price
    5 €
  • Location
    Sala d’interactius del Museu de la Música de Barcelona
  • Duration aprox.
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Manel Musso, music management


Interactive workshop introducing the practise of the instrument

The ticket includes access to permanent exhibition.The ukulele is a Hawaiian instrument that, in reality, is the result of the influences of the guitarrones of the Iberian Peninsula in the American continent and Polynesia. Small, easy to play and with playful sound, it is the favorite musical companion of many young people. In this workshop we will discover the history of this nice instrument, we will build one with a cigar box and we will learn to play some notes!

Ukulele, the return trip

Workshop for families with children over 5

  • Dates
    26 de març 2022
  • Price
    5 €
  • Location
    Sala d’interactius del Museu de la Música de Barcelona
  • Duration aprox.
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