This event is from the Season 2020-21


2 years and over

  • Dates
    15 i 16 de maig 2021
  • Price
    10 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
    50 min
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1. Aplec. Arnau Obiols
2. El nostre gall. Traditional song. Arrangement
3. Cobles (from Castellciutat). Traditional song. Arrangement
4. Quec-querec-quec. Traditional song. Arrangement
5. Mar. Improvisation based on Pep Pasqual’s field recordings.
6. La ploma de perdiu. Traditional song. Arrangement
7. Adéu vila de Ripoll. Traditional song. Arrangement
8. Ramat. Improvisation based on Arnau Obiols’ field recordings
9. Si en tenia uns esclops nous. Traditional song. Arrangement
10. Lo rossinyol. Traditional song. Arrangement
11. Nit. Improvisation based on Arnau Obiols’ field recordings
12. Nit serena. Traditional song. Arrangement
13. Els tres dallaires. Traditional song. Arrangement
14. Primavera. Poem Dolça esclavitud. Pau Riba (from the album Amarga crisi)
15. Intro Moixons. Music by Xesco Boix. Based on Què diuen els ocells, by Jacint Verdaguer
16. Moixons. Arnau Obiols
17. Neu. Improvisation based on Arnau Obiols’ field recordings
18. Son, son, vine, vine. Traditional song. Arrangement
19. Cobles de ronda. Traditional song. Arrangement
20. La griva, el tord i el gall. Traditional song. Arrangement


Musical selection and direction: Arnau Obiols
Stage direction: Sònia Gómez

Carles Belda: diatonic button accordion, guitar, percussion instruments* and vocals
Alba Careta: trumpet, percussion instruments*, conches and vocals
Juliane Heinemann: guitar, synthesizers, percussion instruments* and vocals
Arnau Obiols: drums, percussion instruments*, synthesizer, rebec and vocals
Pep Pascual: baritone saxophone, tenora, flabiol, bass clarinet, musical saw, conches, percussion* coyok and vocals

Visuals: Odile Carabantes and Carme Gomila (ATZUR)

* tambourine, anisette bottle, trico-traco percussion idiophone, sleigh bells and clogs


Close your eyes and imagine a landscape that you can’t see, but can only hear. Are you in the ‎countryside or the city? Is it summer, spring, winter, or autumn? Morning or evening? We’ll ‎go on a walk with our ears wide open, to discover our natural and human environment ‎through sounds and the music inspired by these sounds. Songs with Catalan roots, many of ‎which have been reimagined for this occasion, given a contemporary twist and performed by ‎five musicians who draw from both the traditional world and today’s musical trends. With ‎staging by choreographer Sònia Gómez. ‎


2 years and over

  • Dates
    15 i 16 de maig 2021
  • Price
    10 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
    50 min
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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