This event is from the Season 2019-20


From 6 years

  • Dates
    Diumenges 13 d’octubre, 1 de desembre 2019, 12 de gener, 2 de febrer, 1 de març, 5 d’abril i 10 de maig 2020
  • Location
    Museu de la Música
  • Duration aprox.
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Workshop leader and performer: Jordi Casadevall


Participative workshop introducing the sounds of the gamelan
Have you ever heard gamelan music? Gamelan is traditional ensemble music from Bali and Java in Indonesia; it is made up predominantly of percussion instruments and gongs and has a rich tonal sound. Traditionally it is used in rituals and in dance and theatre performances. In this workshop you can get up close and discover some amazing sounds.


From 6 years

  • Dates
    Diumenges 13 d’octubre, 1 de desembre 2019, 12 de gener, 2 de febrer, 1 de març, 5 d’abril i 10 de maig 2020
  • Location
    Museu de la Música
  • Duration aprox.
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